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DeFreitas ComputersEmail Hosting

Email Hosting

Give your business a professional communication medium with our Email Hosting platform. Create a good impression with your clients by utilising an email address which reflects your business and uses your own domain name instead of someone elses like @hotmail or @gmail.

We offer IMAP, POP and Microsoft Hosted Exchange email systems. Some of the benefits and features of our business email hosting are listed below:

Email on the GO!

email hosting
You can remain in contact while away from your computer and email while on the go by accessing email through our Webmail portal or connecting to your email account on your Mobile smartphone or tablet device.

Anti-Spam & Anti-Virus

Spam and Virus filtering on all email accounts with customisable options and whitelists/blacklists to keep your email clear of unwanted content.
Email protection additional features include:


DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail) is a means of verifying incoming email. It ensures that incoming messages are unmodified and from the sender from whom they claim to be. This feature works to prevent incoming spam messages.


The SPF (Sender Policy Framework) system allows you to specify servers and IP addresses that are authorized to send mail from your domain(s). This feature works to prevent outgoing spam messages.

Hosted Exchange

hosted exchangeIf your business requires more features why not try our feature-rich premium email hosting.

Our Microsoft Exchange platform give you access to a range of collaborative tools such as centralised email, calendars and contacts which you can access on a variety of platforms.


To order your Email Hosting Package or for more information:

Call: (02)9560 2955 Book Online

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