Domain Names
The first step to getting your business online is registering a domain name. The domain name acts as your identity and is a word or group of words to uniquely identify your website.
DeFreitas Computers can register your domain name in a few easy steps.
Australian Domain Name Eligibility
The Domain Name must be an exact match, acronym or abbreviation of the name of the registrant’s company or trading name, organization or association name or trademark, OR, be closely and substantially connected to the registrant.
Global Domain Name Eligibility
Domain Name Extensions
You may have noticed a range of extensions (top-level domains) such as .COM, .COM.AU, .NET and much more. In Australia and are the most common domain extensions however if possible we recommend your register other popular extensions to protect your online brand identity and make it easier for customers to find you.
Domain Name Upgrades
Your domain name can be connected to additional services such as DNS Management and Domain name forwarding, Email Hosting and Web Hosting.